Sometimes, the best projects fly under the radar…
My clients come from far and wide across the Limestone Coast and beyond, and while some are happy to have their projects talked about, others value confidentiality. So here, you’ll find some select client case studies and public project work, plus a selection of my published work for SA Life, ABC News and InDaily. A selection of campaign, marketing and media work is available upon request.
Poppy’s Legacy: Rural scholarship devoted to daughter
Written & Photographed for Stand Like Stone Foundation 2024
The year after a tragedy took their daughter Poppy, Sherwood’s Asha and Charlie Crozier are giving back to the region that backed them wholeheartedly in the aftermath, by launching a rural education scholarship in her name.
Case Study - SMLC
‘Full of heart’: Coonawarra’s Community Choir
Written & Photographed for Stand Like Stone Foundation 2024
“We’re pretty rough and ready – definitely one of a kind,” said Coonawarra Community Choir Leader and Joanna resident Anne Woodard, with a laugh. Raising the rafters of the old hall every third Friday night, Coonawarra’s version of a ‘pub choir’ brings together a colourful crew from around the district and beyond.
Divine Intervention
Written & Photographed for SA Life 2022
All Talitha Becker and Sandy Cameron needed was a “sign” as to whether they should buy a rundown, disused church along the Limestone Coast. When that sign came, the couple embarked on an incredible renovation that uncovered more than a century of secrets.
Beachport’s summer loving ‘locals’
Written & Photographed for SA Life 2024
Meandering down the Southern Ports Highway, as the endless roadside scrub makes way for Norfolk Island Pines and flashes of that famous aquamarine blue water, you know you’ve arrived. Laidback and casual as can be, it’s the Limestone Coast town where thongs are year-round attire and no one will bat an eyelid if you ride your horse through the local bottle shop.
Extraordinary Women Series
Photographed for Women in Regional Business & Development 2022 Hall of Fame
Six extraordinary women from across the Limestone Coast region, from farmers to actresses, were selected for this WIBRD project, shown at Metro Mount Gambier to align with the organisation’s Hall of Fame event in 2022.
The Call of The Wild
Written & Photographed for SA Life in 2021
From the outside, the old stone building looks like any other dotting the paddocks of the Limestone Coast, but step inside to be transported into another world. Divided into the “light room”, the “dark room” and dominated by the “cabinet of curiosities”, all are vital to the studio’s main purpose: the art of scent design.
The Locals
Photographed, written & exhibited for 2020 Fringe Mount Gambier
A picture is worth a thousand words…and behind each of these is a story to put a smile on your dial. From pole-swinging pensioners to random rollergirls, dig into the quirks and hidden sides of nine Mount Gambians. The Locals is a storytelling project, written and photographed for Fringe Mount Gambier.
OneFortyOne Community Grant Stories
Rsearched, written & photographed for OneFortyOne in 2022
On a cold winter’s eve, a line is growing outside the John Frew Centre, as a waft of something hearty and good hits the air. On the menu tonight is chicken schnitzel, mashed potato and vegetables, finished off with a hefty dollop of Maxine’s special gravy.
Legend Award - GTTIA
Produced for the 2023 Green Triangle Timber Industry Awards
Jim O’Hehir was the winner of the Legend Award for the 2023 Green Triangle Timber Industry Awards and this video was produced to showcase his career and achievements.
Fuck Covid Exhibition
Photographed & Exhibited for Fringe Mount Gambier in 2020
In 2020, as the Coronavirus was spreading across the world, Rhetorica’s Kate Hill - a Walkley-award winning photojournalist - went out and documented the local impacts of the virus and our reaction to it, from business shutdowns to shuttered playgrounds, from breakfast beers to birthday celebrations at 20 paces.
Sinkhole Gin - Crowdfunding Campaign
Written, photographed and pitched for Sinkhole Gin 2018
How do four long-time friends, including a farmer, a data scientist, a community engagement officer and a finance manager become South Australia’s newest craft gin producers? Like all good stories, it begins with a late-night gin session…
The Shipwreck Hunter
Written & photographed for SA Life 2019
As the Edith Haviland pitched and yawed in stormy seas on a cold June morning in 1887, standing at the helm Captain J. Roddy would have been no doubt relieved to sight the guiding light of the Cape Banks lighthouse, far off in the distance on the south-east coastline.
South Australia’s Wing Man
Written & photographed for SA Life 2020
All eyes are skyward as the Super Stinker zooms across the blue, upside down, above the Murray Bridge Aerodrome, a flash of red amongst the scattered clouds. Normally, an air show by South Australian aerobatics pilot Chris Sperou would attract thousands of people but, today, he performs for a crowd of three.
Biker Church
Written & Photographed for ABC News 2017
The word of God is delivered in a thoroughly unconventional way at Mount Gambier's new chapter of the Longriders Christian Motorcycle Club. On a hot Sunday morning, motorbikes roar down the gravel driveway of a lot in Mount Gambier's east one by one, lifting a cloud of dust as they pass junked cars and shipping containers
Good News for Naracoorte
Written & Photographed for InDaily 2020
As the COVID-19 pandemic throws the regional newspaper industry into chaos, a surprise good news story has emerged in Naracoorte, where the community backs a new publication. Frustrated at the decision by Australian Community Media to suspend publication of the town’s 145-year-old newspaper, former Naracoorte resident Michael Waite stepped in with a bold new start-up.